Poverty in Japan is more than homeless living in blue sheet and cardboard shacks that most think of. Working poor are, by and large, the largest group of Japanese suffering the ills of poverty and estimated at more than 10 million[1]. These struggling individuals go largely unnoticed as provide the services that fuel society and […]
april international party
いつも通り、第一の土曜日にコズモズは淀のセンターでオフ会を開きます。 時間:19:30 場所:淀センター 会費:1000円 持ち物:笑顔♪ もちろん、all you can eat n drink. Papa bear will make a mountain of American food so come help support Kozmoz International's projects in Kansai. 新しい人は、19:00に淀駅の改札口前に集まってください。スタッフは、センターまで案内します。 よろしく、 会長